Low Temperature District Heating
for the Baltic Sea Region
The project “Low Temperature District Heating for the Baltic Sea Region” (LowTEMP) will make the district heating supply in the partner regions more sustainable and promote the installation of so-called 4th generation district heating networks. These systems are characterised by the transfer of lower temperature heat in optimally insulated pipes with reduced pipe dimensions. At the same time, multiple heat supply options are possible in these systems, i.e. the use of waste heat from industrial processes as well as renewable heat sources like geothermal and solar-thermal.
Within the LowTEMP project, 19 partners and 30 associated partners representing local, regional and national authorities, district heating suppliers, energy agencies, research institutions, and associations from nine BSR countries work together. Jointly, they will provide the DH stakeholders with expertise and tools on how to plan, finance, install and manage smart and sustainable DH systems.
The LowTEMP project is supported by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund & European Neighbourhood Instrument) in the frame of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020.
Project Duration:
10/2017 – 12/2020
Project Budget:
3.8 million EUR
Lead Partner:
The Szewalski Institute of Fluid-flow Machinery (IMP PAN), Poland