The LowTEMP 2.0 e-learning programme supplements the LowTEMP training package and provides additional knowledge on sustainable district heating (DH) supply. Three online training courses are available – the first course even in all nine partner languages.
Click on the buttons below to discover the courses and test your knowledge!
District Heating – Future-Proof Energy Supply
This introductory course depicts the key characteristics of district heating systems and explains the relevance of sustainable heat supply in the BSR. In addition to English, this course is available in German, Polish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Finnish, Swedish, Danish and Russian.
District Heating and European Climate Goals
This course provides valuable inside on how low temperature district heating (LTDH) and the use of renewable energy sources can contribute to increased energy efficiency, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the BSR and the achievement of EU climate goals.
District Heating – Key Technical Aspects
This course provides technical insights with regard to DH/LTDH and by this explains for example the characteristics of the different pipe systems, what kind of installation methods of DH grids are in existence, and how selected systems of sustainable heat generation are working.