Author: Baiba Norberte, Vidzeme Planning Region

Considering, that in Latvia the low-temperature district heating supply is a relatively new con-cept, one of the ways to create knowledge about this technology is to gather and share experts’ opinions. In September of this year Vidzeme Planning Region published the thematic publication “Energy Management in Vidzeme” (in Latvian language).

The publication includes stories and experts’ opinions on four energy efficiency projects imple-mented by the Vidzeme Planning Region. One of the projects is “Low Temperature District Heating for the Baltic Sea Region” (LowTEMP). Vidzeme Planning Region invited LowTEMP Latvian partners – Riga Technical University and Gulbene Municipality to talk more about low temperature district heating possibilities in Latvia, as well as to argue why also local municipali-ties should consider implement more sustainable energy supply systems. Besides, Gulbene Mu-nicipality introduced the readers to their planned activities implementing the low temperature district heating grid in village Belava.