Собираем и предоставляем информацию и данные о ЦТС и низкотемпературных ЦТС: База знаний по централизованному теплоснабжению
База знаний по централизованному теплоснабжению
Within this work package, a district heating (DH) knowledge platform that contains generalized knowledge about existing heating systems, heating demand, operators of the grid, available approaches and methods to implement low temperature district heating (LTDH) in the partner countries, will be developed. The DH knowledge platform will also include an overview on the current status of smart energy supply systems and the use of renewables in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). It will serve as an essential information and data collection as the basis for sustainable applicable heating strategies and will provide actors responsible for energy supply systems in BSR cities and regions with all relevant basic information to support the process of integrating LTDH in the existing heating supply systems and concepts.
Work Package Leader: Klaipeda University
Развиваем адаптивные решения для умных систем энергоснабжения и пилотные тестовые мероприятия: Пилотные энергетические стратегии
Пилотные энергетические стратегии
The installation of of smart district heating (DH) systems in communities should be embedded in an energy strategy, which investigates and displays the possibilities on how to apply and run such a system. Thus, the aim of our activities in this work package is to develop pilot energy strategies that include low temperature district heating (LTDH) solutions for existing heat supply systems in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) focussing on energy supply on city, district or quarter level.
In parallel to the development of the strategies, tangible pilot activities will be realised. Therefore, several of the municipalities participating in LowTEMP will implement activities to test and/or start the implementation of LTDH in their DH infrastructure. These pilot measures will have different characters, depending on the current type of the DH supply infrastructures, connected types of buildings, existing problems and potentials for improvement.
Work Package Leader: Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus – Senftenberg
Оцениваем влияние на экологию и экономические выгоды низкотемпературного ЦТС: Оценка устойчивости
Оценка устойчивости
Within LowTEMP, the sustainability of the integration of low temperature district heating (LTDH) systems in the energy supply structures in Baltic Sea Regions (BSR) and municipalities will be evaluated. This will especially refer to the pilot energy strategies and measures planned for the municipalities and regions participating in LowTEMP.
A first focus will be on the (positive) effects the implementation of LTDH has on the reduction of energy waste and CO2 emissions from district heating (DH) grids. A sustainability evaluation will then follow with a holistic perspective where LTDH systems, the type of energy sources and the design factors are jointly considered regarding optimisation of environmental impact, economic feasibility and technical performances. This will be done via environmental and economic life cycle assessment studies (LCA and LCCA) that represent a good tool to evaluate the impact on the sustainability for future development driven by specific policy measures. To present the environmental benefits of LTDH, a simulation model will be developed. This IT-based model shall serve to illustrate – in a user friendly and easy to understand manner – the ecological, economic and social effects of LTDH.
Work Package Leader: Riga Technical University (RTU)
Изучаем возможности финансирования установки и использования умных отопительных сетей: Схемы финансирования и бизнес-модели низкотемпературного ЦТС
Схемы финансирования и бизнес-модели низкотемпературного ЦТС
The major challenges when it comes low temperature district heating (LTDH) are not so much related to technical issues but often connected to economic or organisational aspects. Thus, it is important to examine possibilities to finance district heating (DH) investments. The LowTEMP project will investigate the economic framework conditions that are necessary for the installation of LTDH systems and at the same time, collect knowledge on existing business models. Based on this, new value chains will be created, and suitable business models as well as business opportunities will be proposed. Possibilities to create new kinds of value chains will be described and findings will be communicated to the identified targets groups on a local as well as on a broader basis.
LowTEMP wants to show that DH improvements will have a positive financial impact on operators and customers. The use of lower cost fuels, modern equipment and improved distribution networks can reduce operating costs and lower heat prices, even when considering the high financing costs of system upgrades.
Work Package Leader: Sustainable Business Hub (SBHub)
Повышаем информированность об умных системах ЦТС: Развитие компетенций в сфере низкотемпературного ЦТС
Развитие компетенций в сфере низкотемпературного ЦТС
It is the key aim of LowTEMP to raise awareness and achieve capacity building in the field of smart and sustainable district heating (DH) system as well as to promote the project know-how and increase sensibility for the need to implement low temperature district heating (LTDH) systems in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). The gained knowledge on the implementation of sustainable DH technologies will be compiled and afterwards disseminated and promoted within the LowTEMP partner municipalities and regions as well as to important experts in the project partners’ networks.
A next step within the LowTEMP capacity building activities will be the development of training materials and a programmes to educate the target groups in the planning, financing and managing of sustainable LTDH grids. After testing the training materials in the project consortium, they will be finalised as the “LowTEMP training package”. This training programme will then be transferred to other BSR municipalities, energy agencies, planners or DH suppliers via a “Train the Trainer” approach, thus increasing the durability of the project know-how and outcomes.
Work Package Leader: Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN)