LowTEMP Final Conference: Transformation of District Heating
09 December 2020
A web-livestream of the LowTEMP Final Conference offered more than 140 district heating experts from energy companies, suppliers, municipalities and the academic sector from all over Europe the opportunity to discuss the potentials and challenges of low temperature district heating. During the conference, results of the Interreg BSR project LowTEMP have been presented and experts from the German and European DH sector presented their insights on latest developments in the sector.
The conference was organised by the German Centre for Energy, Construction, Architecture and the Environment (ZEBAU GmbH) and the German Energy Efficiency Association for Heating, Cooling and CHP (AGFW).
WATCH excerpts of the livestream on YouTube.
Download the presentations:
LowTEMP: Past – Present – Future
(Adam Cenian, IMP PAN and Britta Schmigotzki, atene KOM GmbH)
The Hamburg District Heating Strategy
(Christian Maaß, Hamburg Institute Consult)
Low Temperature District Heating – Potentials and Barriers
(Prof. Dr. Ing. Ingo Weidlich, HafenCity University)
European Perspectives on Low Temperature District Heating
(Gabriele Pesce, Euroheat & Power)
Strategies for Energy Efficient Municipalities in the Baltic Sea Region
(Lilian Bernhardt-Senft, Brandenburg Technical University)
Pilot Projects on Low Temperature District Heating: Overview
(Francesco Romagnoli, Riga Technical University)
Pilot Projects on Low Temperature District Heating: Pilot Project in Sweden
(Patrick Johansson and Rolf Strandell, Halmstad Energy and Environment)
Sustainability in District Heating Systems
(Francesco Romagnoli and Dagnija Blumberga, Riga Technical University)
(Cecilia Thapper, Sustainable Business Hub)
(Jan Gerbitz, ZEBAU GmbH)