Author: project RELaTED

LowTEMP’s sister project RELaTED – REnewable Low TEmperature District is funded under Horizon 2020. RELaTED deploys a decentralized, Ultra-Low Temperature (ULT) DH network concept, which allows for the incorporation of low-grade heat sources with minimal constraints, larger shares of renewable energy sources (RES) and distributed heat sources. Just like LowTEMP, RELaTED thus aims to lower the temperature of DH supply in order to reduce heat losses and increase the performance of heat production systems. The RELaTED concept is being demonstrated in 4 selected locations: Green field development in VINGE (DK); DH network with large share of biomass in TARTU (EE); Large DH network with incorporation of large RES resources in BELGRADE (SR); Corporate DH network in IURRETA (ES).

District heating (DH) systems are key systems for the de-carbonization of heating energy in European Cities. In order to allow for this transition, while guaranteeing competitive energy costs, conversion of DHs is required. DH operation temperature needs to be reduced in order to increase the performance of renewable systems and operation criteria need to be adopted for the introduction of weather-dependent, distributed heat sources such as solar systems.

RELaTED presents a promising ULT DH concept, backed-up by existing evidence that large ST fractions, industrial waste heat and ULT DH allow for substantial de-carbonisation of heat delivery in the context of DH networks. RELaTED is implementing this concept over a set of diverse DH networks, allowing for the validation of the concept prior to full scale implementation. Expected results include: increase of the operational efficiency of heat production; reduction in the final cost of heat due to lower distribution heat losses; reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and air pollution; and the development of a heat price system, which allow integrating variable energy price schemes.

In order to learn more about the RELaTED concept and the rationale behind it, read Roberto Garay Martinez and Victor Sanchez Zabala’s paper and visit the website

Photocredits: project RELaTED