Author: BTU Cottbus Senftenberg
The BTU Cottbus, is going to presents the LowTEMP project and its goals in the context of the regional TRANSFER21 showroom with a presentation booth and a lecture on October 1st in Hoyerswerda (Saxony). The focus of the event is on building & living and thus addresses some of the target groups of the LowTEMP project. The city of Hoyerswerda and the region of Lusatia are part of the areas affected by structural change in Germany due to the Climate Change and the political decision to stop using fossile energy sources (such as lignite). The region hava developed and changed for decades due to the issue of lignite mining for energy production. Today the region stands faced with the challenges of the energy transition and must redefine itself. The BTU Cottbus Senftenberg is one important driver of this necessary structural change in the context of the energy transition. With LowTEMP, ways are shown how the energy transition can be shaped and new ways of energy supply and more efficient use of energy can be denied.
The TRANSFER21 showroom is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and aims to inspire them for the transfer of knowledge and technology and serves to promote business and innovation in the region. Entrepreneurs of the region come into contact with institutions and technologies around the topic of building & living. Innovations, state-of-the-art technologies and their potential applications for day-to-day business are presented here. In short lectures (pitch) all exhibitors, such as universities and companies, present their innovative business models as well as their technologies and their applications.
Further information is available at: