The series of LowTEMP 2.0 (online) training seminars in Finland, organised by Thermopolis, continued and concluded in early winter 2021 after the completion of the adapted Finnish versions of the training materials.
The third and fourth online seminars were organised in cooperation with the Vaasa University of Applied Sciences. The first of these training seminars was for first and second year students and took place on 04th November 2021 with 39 students, focusing on the EU climate protection policy, waste/surplus heat and energy supply systems in the Baltic Sea Region whereas the second seminar on 16th November 2021 was for postgraduate students, focusing on the EU climate protection policy as well as waste and surplus heat.
The final online seminar in Finland took place on 9th December 2021. Companies in the energy sector and heat plant operators participated, focusing on large-scale heat pumps, business models and new financing structures for Low Temperature District Heating projects and pilot energy strategies with the help of the LowTEMP case Kurikka District Heating.
In total, 122 participants, including lecturers, attended the seminars.