In Denmark, the focus of the LowTEMP 2.0 seminars for promoting the training package has been on the educational institutions and students who in the future might be employed within the district heating sector. The seminars have been conducted by Energy Cluster Denmark through digital tools and primarily online as COVID-19 firstly postponed the seminars and then forced them to be held digitally.

The focus has been on introducing the whole training package as a collection for education of students about district heating. The digital seminar was conducted on 10th of December 2021.

The educators have been very enthusiastic about the training package and have praised the material in highly positive terms.

“We are very excited about the stated opportunities your review provided to explore the energy engineering contexts the website offers. This could clearly positively affect our teaching of the respective energy disciplines.”

  • Participating educator at the Danish online seminar

Because of the difficulties to arrange physical events and to make the availability of the introduction to the training package as good as possible, Energy Cluster Denmark made a condensed video that has been uploaded to their webpage.