In the frame of the LowTEMP2.0 project, between April 2021 and June 2021, three training seminars will be organized and addressed to specific target groups. Thus, the used teaching material will be specifically selected, adapted, and translated for each seminar.
The first seminar on 15th April 2021 was mainly addressed to municipalities and other public bodies and led by the academic staff of the Institute of Energy Systems and Environment, Riga Technical University (RTU IESE). The selected topics were: energy supply systems in the Baltic Sea Region, methodology of development of low-temperature District Heating energy strategies and business models and innovative funding structures. Provided feedback by the 48 participants highlighted the good quality of the seminar.
More than five municipalities attended the seminar, including Gulbene, Kekava, Jelgava, Jēkabpils and Tukums Municipality while also involving representatives from DH operators. In addition, representatives from the Latvian Ministry of Economics were in attendance. The final discussion focused on the implementation or transition, to the low-temperature district heating approach and was helpful to set the ground for subsequent municipal energy plans.
Two more seminars will be held in May and June 2021.