– Online –
On 27 August 2021, 27 participants from planning offices and city administrations in Germany took part in the online seminar Advancing climate protection with urban infrastructures – using best practice examples for low temperature district heating (LTDH) held by Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus–Senftenberg as part of the LowTEMP 2.0 seminars.
Urban infrastructures play a decisive role in achieving the ambitious climate protection goals. Energy and climate protection concepts are a strategic instrument for this in BSR municipalities. The seminar served to present and discuss how the related process may be started and which stakeholders need to be involved for a successful implementation.
In detail, within the three-hour training event, a short introduction to legal and administrative framework conditions regarding climate protection in cities was given. Then, by introducing best practice examples from the predecessor project LowTEMP, the participants learned how to tackle climate change on the municipal level and about the role district heating networks can play in this process. This included examples from both new buildings and existing buildings that have been modernised in terms of energy efficiency, with a special focus on district heating networks due to their high greenhouse gas saving potential.
Finally, it was discussed which organizational and institutional framework conditions help to promote climate protection measures.