Data collection and analysis of heat supply, loss and consumption: Examination of 145 social / public objects (Petrozavodsk)

145 social and public objects, such as school and kindergaren buildings, are surveyed to reveal their structural condition, energy efficiency potential and heat consumption during the past five years as well as to elaborate a list of measures to reduce their heat consumption and provide advice. The subsequent development of an energy management plan for the pilot objects provide the basis for the transition to more energy-efficient solutions as one step forward to low temperature heat supply in municipal buildings and facilities.


Petrozavodsk City Administration

Overall aims

  • Development of a catalogue of a large number of municipally owned facilities and creation of a database with information on:
    • age of objects, dates and essence of taken energy-efficiency measures
    • state and energy-efficiency status of surveyed objects, collection of substantiated data and photos
    • information on monthly heat consumption of all objects over 5 years and forming a database
  • Definition of a list of tried efficient measures applicable to surveyed objects aimed at reduction of heat use was elaborated, that would serve as a basis for a set of solutions and design and estimate documents specific for Petrozavodsk municipality based on reports on every surveyed object.

Innovative approach and benefits

This pilot project will make it possible to create a database with information on a large number of municipal objects and their state (which is currently not available in Petrozavodsk), to work our specific recommendations on reducing heat consumption from the city network which may lead to lowering the heat medium temperature in the network in the future (energy management plans). These aspects make this pilot measure locally beneficial, both in terms of environmental effects and innovation. The database of relevant and comprehensive data on heat consumption, heat costs and energy efficiency of such facilities, and technical conditions of facilities is available on the internet and does not require any special mainenance activities.

Petrozavodsk City Administration benefits from collecting missing data, obtaining a comprehensive overview of the state of municipally owned facilities and a set of solutions for these specific objects. Most of municipally owned facilities of social value (such as schools, kindergartens, libraries, etc) have not gone through proper energy audit and assessment at any point or recently enough to plan introduction of energy-efficiency measures based on the results of proper surveys. Not only there was no database on heat consumption, heat costs and energy efficiency of such facilities, in some cases it was not even clear in what technical conditions those facilities were. However, being a major end user Petrozavodsk City Administration is interested in data and implementation of such measures in the future.

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Implementing Partner: ANO Energy Efficiency Centre


Contact person: Alexander Berdino,


Implementation phase: June to December 2019


Financed by LowTEMP project: 44.071,10 EUR